Tuesday, August 19, 2008


soooooo.......... boring!!!nothing to do but just facing the computer and waiting for tuition.This holiday is just sucks.It suddenly remind me about the time i was till in secondary school,so memorable.
In secondary school,there is almost no stress if compare to now.We play and chat in school,after that we will go to each others house for games that we like commonly.About 5pm,i will surely go to the badminton court near by my house with my buddies for some exercises.Then,we will keep chit chatting while eating some snacks.Quite a happy time.
But now,all of us had separated.Most of them went to other colleges or universities for their foundation course,leaving our hometown.However,due to several personal problems,i still have tostay here for another one and a half year,so sad!
Even though i am having holiday now,but most of their holiday is not same as mine,so even i want to play badminton,no one to accompany me.So lonely!
What to do?We have to grow up,don't we?We have to meet new friends,adapt to new surrounding.Well,what i wish is good luck!My old friends!Hope one day we will meet each other with a successful story to tell!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many thing will happen surrounding us and it will change us to become more brave and more independence.We can't change anything that is already happened but we can accept it bravely.Sometimes, i hope i can go back to my past,but it is impossible.We will face some problem in our lives even our family problem.Sometimes,i hope i can accept it with a smile but u know?I need to have more and more bravery to do it.I'm trying to study hard to achieve the success in my life.Can i do it?I don't know but i know this is what i can only do to make my parent proud of me...

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