Monday, August 23, 2010

Crazy life

Of course, this is not about anything crazy in my life, as I already have more than enough, and it might be too boring for you to read my story again actually. I sure don't want to scare off half of my potential readers by bringing more and more of my pathetic stories of my little life. Instead, what I'm trying to say in this post is it is okay to live crazily once in a while.

Life is short, and I don't have to explain about that, so why are we restraining ourselves from expressing who we really are? Sometimes, why don't we try to shout like hell when we're stressed; run through streets when we're happy; tell somebody I like you when we have the feeling; eat a whole bucket of fried chicken when we're hungry; skip some classes when we're tired; or just buy anything we like without thinking of the price? Of course I'm not saying we should do this everyday, or that will be really crazy, but releasing your true self just for some times, it wouldn't hurt. Just like what William Wallace said, every man dies, not every man really lives (quotes of the week). We are going to die someday, and if we can't do something to tell people who we are, what's the point of living? Worse is, we cannot even define who we are ourselves! So, go crazy once in a while, and reminisce some of your wacky parts of life and laugh for what you have done, and discover who you really are.


Aries said...

Totally agree with you. That's why my blog title is "krazy" too. Once in a while we need that. Most important when we laugh at our own mistake and make it a fun learning process, that should be fun crazy as most adults can't do that. Not only that they don't admit to their own mistake, they sulk for sometime for losing face, I guess. Hmmm what crazy stuff should I do today? Happy thoughts a day keeps sickness at bay.

Lora said...

I don't understand why it is frowned upon to do these things, especially to tell someone that you like them when you do! I think we should embrace our emotions instead of trying to play them down :)

- Lora (20sb)

Daniel Tan Kian Hin said...


Komal said...

I was just having this conversation over coffee yesterday! I don't quite understand the society we're living in all the time - obsessed with the strangest things! I've grown to appreciate so much more after my forced bed rest this summer, it has also made me slightly more lazy and likely to eat a whole bucket of fried something when I'm hungry :o)

Anonymous said...

being crazy is a lot more fun. It's one way of living, not just existing

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