Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Endless complaints......

First week of lecture, the week of transition, one word to summarize, TIRING!!! There are too many new concepts to instill into my little mind( I think I've repeated this before...). The extremely confusing timetable, which I have to spend hours and hours to figure out the best time for each classes so that I can empty out my friday, and at the same time making sure that there will be no overlapping of time, which is quite brain squeezing.
The ginormous( heard it somewhere, though I don't remember where, which means gigantic + enormous) campus of UM is too, wearing out my bones. There are rarely any maps to refer to, even if you are lucky enough to find one, it'll take more than lucky to figure out what the map says. So, I basically have to walk around the campus everyday to find out my classroom. The good thing is, I have a lot of exercises everyday; the bad thing is, I HATE BEING SWEATY AND STICKY!
And oh, those are just appetizers for the torturous week. It seems like all the lecturers are aware of the fact that we are sleepy all the day. In fact, how can we not be when we have to wear ourselves out and then get a taste of cooling sensation in lecture halls. It sounds sweet, to have such a comfortable condition after a long walk. But try to think when you are about to take a nap, or more aptly when you can't stop but to drop your eye lids, the lecturer just keeps waking you up, although in a gentle way( I can't be sure they will still be gentle next week, cause one of them actually said she'll throw us something if we don't listen to her...). If you can't imagine how painful that is, let me tell you, IT IS EXCRUCIATING! The best we can do is, keep our sight at the bottom half, of course, the upper half will be covered... come to think about it, sleepy eyes are supposed to be sexy, aren't they? Didn't know it actually takes a lot to be 'sexy'!

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