Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Please let me sleep, I'm begging you!!!

My life has been quite stable here now. Breakfast, then I'll go to my lectures, after having my lunch, I'll usually be heading to library and spend the rest of the day until evening if I don't have anymore classes to attend to. This has been fine except what happens after that. I believe this is not the first time I talk about my residential college, and it sure will not be the last. After a long day out, I will appreciate a lot to have a peaceful and quite night with my laptop, or maybe spending more time studying alone, or playing games when I lost my patience to keep my eyes sticked to the books, or even watch a couple episodes of movies or series before sleep. However, this college has never got bored ruining my beautiful plans. Almost every week, and so far it really is every week, they never stopped planning some activities for the residents in this college, and we are all 'obligated' to attend. Of course, I wouldn't complaint much if those activities are worth going for, but last week, for four days, we spent our time out of our room until half an hour before midnight, for some group games and performances, or else a talk about the week, campus life and blah blah blah... No wonder people said life in college is sometimes very busy, not because of study, but those lame activities we are forced to join. Seriously, we have a choice of sleeping early or late, in which of course the healthy choice would be early, but now we are forced to go for an unhealthy way. This is a violation of right! Or at least for me, it is. The show... oh yeah, the show... LAMEST EVER... The dances are so obviously not properly rehearsed and the choreograhies were so amateurish, even for me, somebody who had only learn dances in my childhood! A good listener is not necessary to be a good singer, isn't it? Can't believe we had to cut our sleep time short for that...

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